
Research plays a central role in the development, quality assurance and assessment of IB programme outcomes. The IB commissions research to leading research institutions and universities around the world, and also conducts a small number of studies in-house.

Research key findings

Research key findings provide a quick overview of studies from around the world that examine the impacts of IB programmes on students, teachers and schools.

Outcomes research

These studies investigate the efficacy and outcomes of IB programmes in relation to students, teachers and schools. Outcomes research also explores the implementation of programmes within specific country contexts and the effectiveness of programme changes.

Curriculum research

These studies support the review and development of all programme curriculum and pedagogy. Curriculum research contributes to curricular innovation, evaluation and alignment to continually evaluate and improve IB programmes.

Policy research

Policy research informs IB stakeholders of evidence-based education policy and innovative practices from around the world. These studies address key issues of concern to the IB community through concise reports, briefings and recommendations for school and classroom practice.

Assessment research

These studies investigate trends in assessment and support the development of innovative, valid and fair DP, CP and MYP exams. Assessment research focuses on studies aimed at improving IB assessment processes and policies, supporting the development of formative and summative assessment resources as well as trialling new examination models proposed in the curriculum review process.

Join our student wellbeing learning journey with schools

With generous support from the Jacobs Foundation, the IB has launched an exciting project to explore, study and measure student wellbeing in primary through secondary schools internationally.