Student initiative bridges tech and education to break India’s poverty cycle


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In today’s world, where income inequality and limited access to education are prevalent issues, it is inspiring to see young people taking action to drive positive change.

Adit Nikhil Upadhye.jpg
Adit Nikhil Upadhye

We had the chance to speak with Adit Nikhil Upadhye, a passionate Middle-Years Programme (MYP) graduate and current Diploma Programme (DP) student who has spearheaded an initiative that truly exemplifies such action.

In this blog, Adit tells us about Tech4All, the inspiration behind the non-profit, and how the grant has had a positive impact on it. He also shares how his International Baccalaureate (IB) equipped him with the skills necessary to lead a team of 25 volunteers successfully.


Read the full blog post here